Just here to add to the well wishes for you, Anya! I hope you are well and okay! Your health and safety are the more important than anything else.
I remember when I first found Scout and how much it has lived in my mind since. Both your characters and story are beautiful. No matter what happens, I am forever grateful for being able to read this captivating story. ❤
Loved every single line of it, but now I regret reading it, I hate when I enjoy projects without realising they have been abandoned. Nevertheless, I hope the writer is doing well.
Adding onto the pile of well-wishes given that today is the one-year anniversary of the project hiatus announcement over on Tumblr: if you're reading this, Anya, thank you for the memorable writing you've shared with us. <3 I hope you are safe and well, regardless of what that means in regards to the future of Scout. Personal life and health > posting free art online.
the fact that everyone in the comments is so concerned for the author is genuinely so sweet im gonna cry. we hope you're ok!!! an update for the game would be awesome but i think we really just wanna know if you're alright!!!
I played this game a while ago and found in again through one of the collections, I really hope the author is okay and this can maybe (hopefully) get picked up again. The writing was wonderful and the characters were all extremely well made. Author if you're reading this I hope you are okay!
I played Scout about a month ago, and still remember it vividly. The characters are all amazing and the writing was so well done. That being said, I really hope that the author is doing well, whether or not they intend to finish the game...
Fell swiftly in love with this and with Ezra. I am crying and screaming that there is a current hiatus. Hope everything is okay in the author's life and that they will be able to pick this up again one day.
I, too, hope OP is doing okay ToT I very much love Scout but I'd like to know that the author is alright, since its been some time since itch.io has had an update for it
this is absolutely amazing im so in love with Ezra i <33333333 i really hope you're okay author Anya!! idk whats going on but i hope you're happy and healthy KISSES TO YOUUUU<3
Hope the author is doing well! I still hold this story very dear to my heart. The setting and the characters are just so good. Even if it doesn't continue, I just hope the author is living their best life.
I'm really loving this! The characters and your way of writing are amazing. I'm looking forward to when the story is complete, thank you for your time and effort in creating this :) I hope that you're okay!
The story and characters are lovely! I love the unique setting and rich story elements. Thank you for writing this. I'm excited to read more in the future!
Hey! Does anyone know if this game is still in development or has it been abandoned? I checked the dev's Tumblr and she said she'd be back with an update on the status in 3-4 months, but that was in August 2021
Hope you're doing alright, I wanted to let you know that we've mentioned it in our list of recommended Twine stories. But if that's not okay just let me know. You can view it here, let us know if there are any other details we should add for your title --> https://itch.io/t/1763600/twine-games-with-character-customization-part-1
Does anyone know her personal email address? I wanna contact her to provide translation help for this story.This perfect work deserves to be known by more people!
As of right now, I hope you get lots of rest Anya! because this game really helped with my boredom - v - and I got 6 of my friends(Who are mega choose your own love story's people) and I can't wait for the next chapter :D
I got sucked into this story more then I thought I would And this is one of the few text base games I can already tell that I'm going to do multiple playthroughs just because of how much I'm in love with all the LIs. The world just draws you in and all the characters are wonderfully done.
I couldn't stop and played all the way through. The story is engaging, and I love the characters! I want to be with Ezra and Oliver and Gage, and it's so tough to decide between them.
← Return to game
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I hope the author is fine, but a least a little update on their conditions would have been the polite thing to do, after more than a year of nothing.
Just here to add to the well wishes for you, Anya! I hope you are well and okay! Your health and safety are the more important than anything else.
I remember when I first found Scout and how much it has lived in my mind since. Both your characters and story are beautiful. No matter what happens, I am forever grateful for being able to read this captivating story. ❤
Loved every single line of it, but now I regret reading it, I hate when I enjoy projects without realising they have been abandoned. Nevertheless, I hope the writer is doing well.
I hope this is not being abandoned, as the writer promised. As long as I'm alive I can wait :D till the day it gets updated again.
I hope you are doing great, author. Your story is excellent, and the characters are interesting. Thank you. <3
Adding onto the pile of well-wishes given that today is the one-year anniversary of the project hiatus announcement over on Tumblr: if you're reading this, Anya, thank you for the memorable writing you've shared with us. <3 I hope you are safe and well, regardless of what that means in regards to the future of Scout. Personal life and health > posting free art online.
the fact that everyone in the comments is so concerned for the author is genuinely so sweet im gonna cry. we hope you're ok!!! an update for the game would be awesome but i think we really just wanna know if you're alright!!!
I played this game a while ago and found in again through one of the collections, I really hope the author is okay and this can maybe (hopefully) get picked up again. The writing was wonderful and the characters were all extremely well made. Author if you're reading this I hope you are okay!
I played Scout about a month ago, and still remember it vividly.
The characters are all amazing and the writing was so well done.
That being said, I really hope that the author is doing well, whether or not they intend to finish the game...
It's been nearly a year without an update, hope the author is doing fine. What a shame this project is abandoned tho.
Hope the author is ok :(
I hope the author is doing fine...this is a masterpiece
Fell swiftly in love with this and with Ezra. I am crying and screaming that there is a current hiatus. Hope everything is okay in the author's life and that they will be able to pick this up again one day.
I, too, hope OP is doing okay ToT I very much love Scout but I'd like to know that the author is alright, since its been some time since itch.io has had an update for it
Hope the dev is doing well. Announced a hiatus in August 2021 and hasn't said a word since 😭😭
I know 😢 it's so sad because the story is amazing, and the writing 🖤 I really hope The author is doing alright.
this is absolutely amazing im so in love with Ezra i <33333333 i really hope you're okay author Anya!! idk whats going on but i hope you're happy and healthy KISSES TO YOUUUU<3
i really want to see the continuation of this story but i think it has been abandoned ;;;
I hope you are doing well and feeling well!
Hope the author is doing well! I still hold this story very dear to my heart. The setting and the characters are just so good. Even if it doesn't continue, I just hope the author is living their best life.
I'm really loving this! The characters and your way of writing are amazing. I'm looking forward to when the story is complete, thank you for your time and effort in creating this :) I hope that you're okay!
The story and characters are lovely! I love the unique setting and rich story elements. Thank you for writing this. I'm excited to read more in the future!
I am excited to see how to story progresses. Great job author!
Hey, im trying to download the game but its oddly enough trying to go to an html document, and not a folder. Anyway to help with that?
Making a game is hard, it takes work, coding, writing, and ideas.
They need breaks too, they also can get writers block.
It's normal for a developer to put something on hold to take a break, and have personal time.
im not the only one who is a bit more than mildly concerned for the developer, am I?
At this point I'm just hoping that she'll be okay.
Yeah... I don't mind waiting but she was decently active on tumblr before going radio silent. Hope she's alright.
Hey! Does anyone know if this game is still in development or has it been abandoned? I checked the dev's Tumblr and she said she'd be back with an update on the status in 3-4 months, but that was in August 2021
Looks to be abondoned by this point, over 1 year since hiatus and nothing here or Tumblr.
Devo... It's sad to say this seems to happens often with IFs :(
Hope you're doing alright, I wanted to let you know that we've mentioned it in our list of recommended Twine stories. But if that's not okay just let me know. You can view it here, let us know if there are any other details we should add for your title --> https://itch.io/t/1763600/twine-games-with-character-customization-part-1
Does anyone know her personal email address? I wanna contact her to provide translation help for this story.This perfect work deserves to be known by more people!
maybe try asking her on tumblr
She hasn't been on in a while, unfortunately. :<
oh my god i love this i hope it is continued soon :)
Struggling the absolute urge to not make fanfiction of ezra
bro, please do, then link it to me lmao
link me to
If you do please send the link
✨totally not in love with oliver✨
yeah yeah I'm late, but can I just say, your content some of the best stuff I've played, and trust me, I've played A LOT. ❤️
What a wonderful story, I can't wait to read more. This format is really something, I'm thoroughly enjoying what you've put together here. Thank you!
As of right now, I hope you get lots of rest Anya! because this game really helped with my boredom - v - and I got 6 of my friends(Who are mega choose your own love story's people) and I can't wait for the next chapter :D
Yep okay I'm in love with this game
and EzraGODDD THIS IS SO COOL me and my friends all binge played this and are eagerly awaiting chapter 5!!! awesome game :):):)
I have to ask: what's the situation on this project? Is work in progress? Can we expect to wait a few months longer?
Or is this off? Just to be clear: I'm fine with either, though the latter would obviously be sad.
It says it's on hold apparently, so all we can do is wait :)
honestly this is one of my favourite text games i’ve ever played i cant wait for the next update
I got sucked into this story more then I thought I would
And this is one of the few text base games I can already tell that I'm going to do multiple playthroughs just because of how much I'm in love with all the LIs.
The world just draws you in and all the characters are wonderfully done.
I couldn't stop and played all the way through. The story is engaging, and I love the characters! I want to be with Ezra and Oliver and Gage, and it's so tough to decide between them.
in love with the writing and character