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Super sad that this hasn't been updated in like 2 years :(


going back to check this because I miss them so much


same 😔


Been on this story since it's last update 2 years ago, and just can't let it go. I hope Anya is well 


It's been a year since I've read this game, I'll read it again for old time's sake considering this is the very second IF I have ever read :'))


Just wanted to say that I adored this story so much and I will miss the crap out of Ezra.  I hope you are doing well, Anya.


To everyone mourning the loss of this game, I suggest making a bot of the love interest you liked most. This will be easy to do if you copy and paste the desc of them from here to the "Long description" and the base of the storyline from here to the "Text examples" as plain text.  Just suggestion, I'm doing it myself.


That seems incredibly disrespectful to the author


I'm not gonna do it but how is it "incredibly disrespectful" to use one of their characters for a bot ?


Maybe I didn't word it the best, but why?

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Because you suggest violating (ok, maybe a harsh term - let's say 'fiddling with') someone else's intellectual property? I mean, sure, if you miss the story - there's always fan art. Write some fanfic, draw an art - find a way to make a tribute to the author and show your love for the story in legal ways, without, you know, copypasting  and reusing (=stealing?) whole parts of it. I'm not fully sure if it can be considered an actual crime - using someone else's creations the way you suggest, if it is for your personal purposes only, but it sure as hell sounds ethically wrong.


Yeah personal use, but to be fair its been years since the story has even been touched. It would make a lot more sense if I did something like that to an author that has an ongoing project but as far as we can tell, this one is completely abandoned. I can see where you're coming from though.


literally what? Its not like their taking credit for their work. People do it for anime characters and shows all the time

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Press f to pay respect


So....I'm here once again? 😭

(1 edit) (+10)

Not just you, not just you, friend...😭





This was incredible, I have been playing a lot of games with good stories recently, but I can say with almost full certainty that this is one of the best.

Could you recommend some other ones?

(1 edit) (+5)(-1)

Sure! Fair warning, most of these are probably well known, and most of them are romance games. A few of them are more similar to Scout, but most of them are just gay love stories

Completed Games:

Our Life: Beginnings and Always

Cryptid Coffee House

Caught by a Spider

Night on a Web

My Sweet Zombie

Butterfly Soup

Butterfly Soup 2

WIP Games:

A Cottage Story


Gay Monster Kiss Club

Cryptid Crush

Monstrata Fracture

Rogschard, Lords and Loyalty

Minotaur Hotel



No problemo, if I find anymore I will reply to your comment with an updated list.

The MVP of romance novels games! 👏😆


I found a few more games that I enjoy:

Loveless on Lockdown

For the Love of Christmas

Demon Kiss

Pirated Code

//TODO: today

Foot Basket Valentine

Flour Hour

Closing Spaces

These were a few I played that I really liked, a few of them are really short, but they are all pretty good

The man is back! 😁👏

thank you so much!  ^^


i recommend 'a tale of crowns'! a high fantasy romance interactive fiction, so so well written with currently 11 chapters. definitely a five star for me, go check it out!!


Thank you so much for recommending that to me! I loved it so much, I can't wait for the next chapters to come out! Azad is my darling dearest and I need more of him immediately


all the girlies (gender neutral) coming here to reminisce <3 thank you scout, for the joy you brought us all. anya, i hope you're well!


Just coming back again because I still check in every few months. I check in even though I have notifications of Tumblr turned on JUST IN CASE lol... 

It's coming up on 2 years and I still remember the first time I read time I read Scout. This IF is what got me in to reading IFs. I was a visual novel girl before and now I have read over 100 IFs. This is where it started. It's important to me. I hope that Anya is doing okay, even if she never returns. It fills my heart with joy to see everyone else that has been impacted by this story. I see so much love for this author and her story.  Even if she never returns we all have a piece of this story in our hearts ❤


Somebody talented should pick this up and write a fan written ending!!

Much respect to anya for writing this masterpiece and I hope she is okay, but I think it has been abandoned for long enough that it would be acceptable for a talented author to do a lil spin off of sorts if respect was paid to the author/original work? <3 

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i remember how happy i was when this was last updated on my birthday. maybe this won't get an update ever again but i'm still grateful i get to be one of the people who stumbled on this amazing story. it'll be two years soon and at this point, i just hope the author is happy, healthy, and just doing well over all. ♡

edit: i honestly think that oliver will always have a special place in my heart. 🤧 


commenting again just to say I miss this so much.

it really is the one that got away.


This was the first IF I played on itch. I will not forget the brief joy it gave me, hope the author is doing well and will return someday.


Hey with all us gathered here languishing in the comments we could start a support group or something.


Wow this one really is phenomenal. I don't usually play stuff that isn't already finished but I am glad I did for this one. Even if the author never comes back to finish this (I hope she does), I am very glad I gave it a shot and played what is there already


Oliver is best boi


came back after 2 years wondering if update... :( hope anya is doing fine, this is literally SUCH a masterwork. oliver shen my beloved......

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Over 3 years and the longing (Oliver & Co.) and the pain (Hoping Anya is doing fine) has yet to subside. As soon as I look at the this I can hear the bg music playing. Nostalgia.


omg not me realizing because of the comments that it's been years since the last update oml 😭😭😭

does anyone have any recs for stories like this 




Im begging you, Anya, if youre still on itch, please continue this project! I really miss this game, and the amount of sadness I have because we finish at chapter 5 is heartbreaking. I support this project to the fullest, please continue!


I love this so much, please I need to know what happens next


NOOOOOO OMGGGGG I WAS SO INVESTED… I know it’s been two years I just need some type of like conformation this is over or smth 😭😭 I hope the author is okay tho!! 

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I made the mistake of not reading the comments first and got too invested dang it :,) my heart is broken but still hoping for the best!!


Damn... I mean, it's been almost two years, so it's practically a given that the project is likely abandoned, and I'm sad about it just like the rest of you guys here, but some people go as far as speculate that the author may as well be dead at this point?? Isn't it a little bit too intense? I mean, you know, life happens - you lose interest in some projects for the sake of others. Whatever those might be. New jobs' offers, new hobbies, new places of living, or even starting new relationships / family of your own. Why assume the worst off the bat? I'd like to think Anya just has her interests somewhere else now. Pity, truly, but can we just appreciate the author for her marvelous story even in its half through state, without - you know - buring her?? 


Since they seemed so invest in the project, the idea of them dissapearing is less reasonable than their death (?).


I think it's definitely insensitive to say it, but usually when this happens (losing interest in the project or personal issues) the author at least puts out a statement (which is sometimes just: project abandoned). I noticed they did write something on their Tumblr but they said it was going to be just a few months (which it obviously isn't anymore). I also think that if this is really the case of "loosing interest in a project" it's kind of 'weird' from the author not to say anything. Of course we are not entitled to anything since it's free and we are all strangers, but for some people who were invested from the beginning, were on their Tumblr, supported them on Ko-fi, this could be very worrying. As Chiara said before me they also seemed to be very enthusiastic in their posts about the project. I only played it after it was abandoned for months already, so I don't know if they were very active before or/and communicated with their fans. Hopefully they are doing well and just lost interest, but I don't think that's very likely in this situation. Anything can happen tho, just recently a project I followed that was abandoned for 3 years got updated. I do hope the next time I come here the author will at least say if they're okay, I'm sure many people would love to support them if they're in a hard spot.

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I HOPE THIS IS FINISHED BECAUSE OH MY GOD!!!!! i finished the whole thing in one sitting and i dont know what i'll do if i never find out what happens next


please I just need closure at this point so I can go through the 5 stages of grief in peace  :')


hate the fact that i finished it before checking the comments... now im left high and dry :(


Here we are two years later. F in chat for Scout, lost but not forgotten.

Does anyone know any more games like this?

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Yes, There is a very fun game like this called Superstition and expect to be pulled into a whole world that you will love.


2 years lmao


I love how everyone of us is loyal to this insane piece of creativity 😭

I am aware that it has been far too long since there has been any news or comments, but I am still full of hope ;-;


Dang, Still no update? Praying the dev come back healthy and well 


Honestly I have a speculation that the dev either quit or lost this acc(possibly also lost tumblr) but there's a high chance for the former happens instead of the latter cuz they could've make an announcement in this comments or somewhere where everyone can see but they just didn't do anything

yhea i agree too :(


Post says they'd post an update after several months, but it's nearing two years. Hope dev's doing okay. If so, I'd love an update-- even if that update is to say it's permanently cancelled. Closure, yknow?


when will it's been two years TwT im kinda starting to wonder did the creator die because i cant think of any reason why theyd be gone for so long

I read the last update and my heart broke:(


It's always the good ones that get stuck in limbo, huh? 

Heartbreaking, really. The skill on display here is insane, it kinda hurts that it may never be finished. Like seeing the half shaped work of a sculptor who dies before their chisel could see its purpose through. 

I really hope this gets finished.


I DIDNT NOTICE THE DATE AND NOW I AM idk how to explain it but i was crying my eyes out until it said thats the end of the story, i am so disappointed knowing that i will never know how it will end. cant believe its abandoned, it would be crazy if u suddenly js came and uploads a lot of chapters lolll (im delulu)

this is a really good game, the only complaint i have is that the saves don't work for me even when restarting the game which kinda sucks but i really like it otherwise.


great story and great writing, hope it isnt abandoned.

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